Genetics for SaleBuy Biltmore Livestock Please fill out the form below to get in touch with a representative from Biltmore Agriculture. We look forward to working with you and helping you find the right livestock for your program. Name First Last Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* PhoneWhat type of Livestock are you looking for?Black Angus CattleWhite Dorper SheepHow many head are you in the market for?12-55-1010 or moreWhat Cattle types are you looking for? Heifers Bulls What Sheep types are you looking for? Ewes Rams Desired investment per head:$2000-$3000$3000-$5000$5000+Desired investment per head:$500-$750$750-$1000$1000+Of the following traits, please select what’s most important to you?Good TemperamentWell known pedigreeWeaning and Yearling PerformanceCalving EaseMilkFescue ToleranceUltrasound DataOn your keyboard, hold CTRL while you click to select multiple traits.Of the following traits, please select what’s most important to you?Shedding AbilityParasite ToleranceCarcass GeneticsEwe ProductivityWell known pedigreeOn your keyboard, hold CTRL while you click to select multiple traits.CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. SiresFemalesDorper SheepBiltmore® Grown1 Lodge Street Asheville, NC 28803 828-768-1956 Book your Agriculture TourPurchase Biltmore® Grown ProductsLegacyBiltmore® GrownHerd SiresFall Production SaleGenetics for SaleDonor CowsWhite Dorper SheepBuy Biltmore LivestockContact UsContact Us TodayWebsite Design By Ranch House Designs, Inc.©2021, The Bilmore Company. All rights reserved.